Get Involved


we are rooted in serving each other

In 1979, this neighborhood was slated for rezoning as an industrial area.  Our four founders saw a need to save the neighborhood, organized their fellow neighbors, and got to work preserving Wedgewood-Houston as a predominantly residential community. Their work was the foundation of our neighborhood organization - SNAP.  We have so many ways that you can get involved and we’d love for you to join us in our continuing service!

attend an upcoming community event

SNAP regularly hosts and co-sponsors events where we can enjoy the company of our neighbors, shape the future of the neighborhood, and serve our community!

attend a community meeting

SNAP community meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every other month at 6:30PM at the SNAP Community Center (1224 Martin St). All neighbors are always welcome! Community issues are addressed. Metro officials, neighborhood businesses, prospective developers, and more present for feedback. Members vote on SNAP actions to serve the community.